Our goal of 100 boats and $25,000 were both met and the actual total raised was $25,549.70!
Here are the results:
Lunker largemouth-6.08 lbs. Lunker small mouth 5.15 lbs both caught by team Harris and Harris
1st place- George Cooper and Dwayne Turnage-30.89 lbs $3000.00
2rd place- Martin Piacitelli and Craig Cantin 25.50 lbs $1500.00
3rd place-Victor Mcnary and Mike Mcnary-24.49 lbs $1000.00
4th place-Bacon and Roy-24.35 lbs $800.00
5th place-Harris and Harris-24.34 lbs $600.00
6th place-Trask and Grotton-24.16lbs $575.00
7th place-Dave and Seth Mcnary-24.01 lbs-$525.00
8th place- Martin and Warhurst – 23.83 lbs- $450.00
9th place – Laflamme and Meyer-23.67 lbs- $400.00
10th place- Torrey and Fitzgerald-22.81 lbs- $350.00
11th place- Witherall and Linscott-22.60 lbs $300.00
12th place-Hogue and Hogue-22.21 lbs $275.00
13th place-Wilson and Brewer-21.94 lbs- $125.00
14th place- Dean and Faniuef-21.32 lbs- $100.00
The MC of the event was Bill Decoteau and Classic Bassmasters was our co sponsor. Thank you to all our sponsors and contestants we couldn’t have done it without you! We’ll have pictures up soon!
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